45th G7 Summit held in France

45 TH G7 SUMMIT IN FRANCE THIS TIME!! THE GROUP OF SEVEN “ G7 ” is actually an international intergovernmental economic organization consisting of 7 advanced economies of the world i.e. Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom. In 1975 this organization had six members and was known as G6 but later in 1976 Canada joined the group, later on in 1998 Russia also joined association but due to the issue of Annexation of Crimea, Russia was suspended in 2000 and again the organization was named as G7 . Their headquarters is situated in Taormina, Italy. In 2019, G7 summit was organized in Biarritz, France for two days during 24 th -26 th August 2019. The eye catching point in this summit was that this time India along with nine other countries were the guest invitees. The topics that were covered in the summit were also interesting. The following topics were discussed in the G7 summit of 2019: · ...